Comme Winston Churchill disait, il est une bonne chose de lire ces citations, car les citations lorsqu’elles sont gravées dans la…
3 Ways of Saying “High” in French…
In this lesson, we are going to see 3 ways of saying “high” in French depending on the context. These…
Du coup…
“Du coup” is an informal French expression mainly used in spoken French. It’s not something that you learn in textbooks…
Quand même!
“Quand même” is one of the most common expressions used in French. It can be translated into many different words in…
Bon & Bien
In this lesson we are going to talk about “bon” and “bien” which are very often mixed up by Anglophones.…
Être à jour
Expression: Être à jour Literal Translation: To be at day Actual Meaning: To be up to date Ex: Tous…
Avoir du pain sur la planche!
Expression: Avoir du pain sur la planche!Literal translation: To have bread on the board!Meaning: To have a lot to do,…
To catch up with someone…
The other day, I was catching up with a good friend of mine who lives in the UK. At the…
10 Very Useful Phrases with Avoir
Here is a list of 10 very useful everyday French phrases with Avoir (to have) . To be able to…
Faire la gueule
This French expression is very familiar and means ” To pull a face, to be sulking over something or someone…