La Chandeleur (Candlemas) is also known as “Fête de la Lumière”, when it is the custom to prepare and eat…
10 Very Useful Expressions With FAIRE
Here is a list of 10 Useful phrases that you may use in a French conversation. “Faire” literally means “to…
1O Useful Phrases With “Tout”…
“Tout” means “All” and is used in many common expressions in French. I have decided to write a list of…
Ça (ne) fait pas long feu…
“Ça ne fait pas long feu” is a colloquial expression commonly used in French. Literal Translation: That doesn’t make long…
What is The Difference Between An/Année, Matin/Matinée etc…
The difference between “an” & “année” (Year) is the same as “jour” & “journée” (Day), “matin” & “matinée”(morning) , “soir”…
20 Colourful French Expressions
Many colloquial expressions in French are with colors… Listen to the audio and try to imitate my pronunciation as closely…
La Galette Des Rois …Miam Miam
In 2015, Epiphany falls on today, Tuesday January 6th !!! What is the Epiphany? The Epiphany represents the twelfth day…
22 Great Phrases to Start 2015 in a Positive Way !
Comme Winston Churchill disait, il est une bonne chose de lire ces citations, car les citations lorsqu’elles sont gravées dans la…
3 Ways of Saying “High” in French…
In this lesson, we are going to see 3 ways of saying “high” in French depending on the context. These…
Du coup…
“Du coup” is an informal French expression mainly used in spoken French. It’s not something that you learn in textbooks…