[icegram campaigns=”1909″] The word “tout” (and its derived forms tous, toute, toutes) has various meanings such as all, every, (the)…
A French Christmas
In some parts of France (more particularly in Alsace), Christmas comes early when Santa Claus brings small gifts and sweets…
Faire La Grasse Matinée
This French expression is the favorite one of any people who love to sleep in! Do you have any ideas…
Different Ways of Saying “To” in French
In this article, you are going to learn different ways of translating “To” in French. I know that these little…
10 Useful Phrases With Mettre
The French verb “mettre” literally means “to put” and is also used in many idiomatic expressions. Learn how to spend money…
Days of the week & Times of Day
You are going to learn how to say the days of the week but also times of day like “Morning,…
25 Useful Random French Phrases To Help Beginners Keep a Conversation in French
This set of useful french phrases will help you understand some French words and ask for clarification in a conversation with…
Different Ways of Saying “What” in French…
[icegram campaigns=”2267″] My French students often wonder how to translate what into French as it can have different terms depending…
20 Most Important French verbs You Must Know
[icegram campaigns=”2267″] To be reasonably fluent in a foreign language, most experts say you need to understand around 8,000 words…
24 Ways to Improve Your French
Becoming fluent or even conversational in French takes time, dedication and constant practice. As I’m sure you’re aware by now,…