
To catch up with someone…

The other day, I was catching up with a good friend of mine who lives in the UK.  At the end of the conversation, she asked me how to say “to catch up” in French but I found it difficult to translate this verb into one word!

So the best translation I could think of  is ” se revoir et se parler “  meaning  ” to see each other again & to speak to each other “

And if it’s a catch up on the phone, you could say “se parler” (to speak to each other)  “papoter” (to chat) .

  • If you want to say to your friend ” It was great catching up… “ you could say ” C’était chouette de se revoir et de se parler “


  • To say ” We catch up soon “ you could say ” On se parle/se revoit bientôt “


Note: Here “se parler”, “se revoir” are reciprocal verbs (meaning to speak to “each other” or to see “each other” again)


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