
Déjeuner du Matin – Jacques Prévert

Jacques Prévert was a French poet and screenwriter. His poems  remain very popular in the French-speaking world, particularly in schools. His poems are often about life in Paris and life after the Second World War. Some of the movies he wrote are extremely well regarded, with “Les Enfants du Paradis” considered one of the greatest films of all time. In 1945, Prévert wrote “Paroles”; This book became the best-selling volume of poetry ever published and was seen as a wonderful and fresh wave after the war. After World War II, Prévert came back to Paris. During his entire life, Prévert stayed an antimilitarist and a peace activist.

  1. Watch this short film illustrating the famous poem “Déjeuner du matin”…

2.  Now, you can listen to the Audio & Practise your pronunciation 

In the first listening, I suggest you don’t look at the words below, just repeat after me. Then in the second listening, you could read the poem at the same time as me. This is a great pronunciation exercise! Then, you could watch the short film another time & try to remember the poem without looking at the words…Great Practice of the passé-composé…



Il a mis le café

Dans la tasse

Il a mis le lait

Dans la tasse de café

Il a mis le sucre

Dans le café au lait

Avec la petite cuiller  (I am pronouncing it as “cuillère“)

Il a tourné

Il a bu le café au lait

Et il a reposé la tasse

Sans me parler

Il a allumé

Une cigarette

Il a fait des ronds

Avec la fumée

Il a mis les cendres

Dans le cendrier

Sans me parler

Sans me regarder

Il s’est levé

Il a mis

Son chapeau sur sa tête

Il a mis

Son manteau de pluie

Parce qu’il pleuvait

Et il est parti

Sous la pluie

Sans une parole

Sans me regarder

Et moi j’ai pris

Ma tête dans mes mains

Et j’ai pleuré.

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