In this lesson, we are going to talk about the words used in place of articles to indicate to whom or to…
Qu’est-ce qui se passe?
To say ” What’s happening ? ” you say “Qu’est-ce qui se passe ? ” in French ! Note: Raise your…
Ce n’est pas de la tarte!
Literal Translation: “It’s not some tart” Actual Meaning: it means that something is tricky, difficult to do or to handle. This…
Tomber dans les pommes
Informal Expression: Tomber dans les pommes Literal Translation: To fall in the apples Actual Meaning: To faint, to pass out…
10 Useful Phrases with “Être”
Être (to be) is one of the most important doing word in French. We have many expressions with the verb…
Home & House in French
“Home” is “La maison ou chez moi” in French Ex: Je vais à la maison / Je rentre chez moi…
On y va & Allons-y !
To say ”Let’s go there” you can say “On y va” or “Allons-y “ ! Notes: Make sure…
Ça ne mange pas de pain!
You can often hear this expression among french people. Literal translation: That doesn’t eat any bread! Actual Meaning: That doesn’t…
What are you talking about?
To say “What are you talking about” you say “De quoi tu parles?” Listen to the audio & repeat this…
Ça marche!
The expression “ça marche” is often used in everyday situations when someone agrees with what has just been said. Literal…