
Bon & Bien

In this lesson we are going to talk about “bon” and “bien” which are very often mixed up by Anglophones. It is because they can both mean “good” in English. The difference being that most of the time, “bon” means “good”  &  “bien” means “well”.

  1. Bon
  • As an adjective (describing word), “Bon” modifies a noun and means “good, efficient, nice, correct …”
  • It has a feminine form “Bonne” and is usually placed before the noun.


Ce pain est très bonThis bread is very good
Nous avons passéŽ une bonne journŽéeWe had a good/nice day
C 'est le bon codeIt is the correct/good pin number


2.  Bien 

  • As an adverb, “Bien” modifies a verb and means “Well”
  • It has no feminine form


Je vais bienI am well/good
Il a bien travaillŽéHe worked well

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