
11 Useful Phrases You Need To Know In a French Restaurant

Imagine, you’ve just arrived in France and want to eat out in a beautiful French restaurant. I’m sure that you would love to know how to say “Can we have a table for …”, or ” The bill please ? ” and many more.

So here are 11 phrases that will be extremely useful to know in a French restaurant.

You can even practice their pronunciation as often as you want by clicking on the audio below.


C'est encore possible de manger ?Is it still possible to eat?
C'est possible d'avoir une table pour deux/trois ?Is it possible to have a table for 2/ 3 ?
Nous n'avons pas rŽéservéŽWe haven't booked
Nous n'avons pas de rŽéservationWe didn't make any reservation
Nous aurons une table de libre dans un quart d'heure/quinze minutesWe'll have a table free in a quarter of an hour/ fifteen minutes
Vous voulez prendre l'apéŽritif/l'apéro au bar?Do you want to have an aperitif at the bar?
On doit attendre longtemps?Do we have to wait long?
On peut manger dehors?Can we eat outside?
Quel est le menu du jour?What is the meal of the day ?
Je suis végétarien(ne), vous avez un plat sans viande ?I'm vegetarian, do you have a meal without meat ?
L'addition s'il vous plaît !The bill please!


  1. Nicolas

    Hi, we have a french restaurant in US. I post your article on my Facebook page for our customer.

    1. Françoise Giordano

      Ah! Génial!! Merci Nicolas 🙂

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